2012. március 30., péntek
Gyöngycsere / Bead swap
Jelentkeztem egy gyöngycsere játékra, ahol Miri lett a párom. Vajon mit visz neki majd a nyuszi? Remélem már nagyon várja.
A játék annyi különbséggel zajlik mint a BSBP, hogy nincs határidő amire ékszert kéne készíteni, illetve nem kötelező készíteni sem. Ez az egész egy cseréről szól, és persze az ismerkedésről.
I am in a bead swap again. My partner is Miri. I wonder what will the bunny take her. I hope she is waiting for it. :)
The game is differ from BSBP, in this one there's no deadline and people don't have to make a jewel. It's all about a swap.
2012. március 28., szerda
Először nem voltunk barátok, nem nagyon tetszettek a minták, de mikor megláttam Vezsuzsi virágját (mindig így kezdődik), tudtam, én is vágyom egy hasonlóra. Így született meg az én Tila R Tituszom.
Firstly we were not in a good friendship, I didn't like the patterns of Tila, but when I saw Vezsuzsi's flower (it starts like this all the time), I knew I need one. Here you can see mine.
Mivel ez egy aszimmetrikus lánc kellett valami a másik oldalra is. Sokáig keresgéltem a legjobb reményében, majd megtaláltam Szilu Tila-gömbjét.
This is an assymetric jewel, I needed to have something on the other side. I was searching a lot to find the best piece, and I decided to bead Szilu's Tila-gömb.
2012. március 26., hétfő
Nyári Jégvirág a télben / Summer Iceflower in winter time
Vezsuzsi Nyári jégvirágját készítettem el még télen, télies
színekben, így ez inkább egy Téli jégvirág. Nagyon jó kis minta, bár a
befoglalásnál sikerült egy sorral többet fűznöm, de a kabosonom jobban szerette
így a ruháját, jobban rá illett. Köszönöm a mintát, kelleni fog nyári színekben is!!
I've made Vezsuzsi's Summer Iceflower pendant in winter time. I like this pattern, however I've made a mistake in the bezel but after that I've realised my cab liked that cloth it fitted better. Thanks for the pattern, I will need it in summer colors as well.
Egy gyűrű mind felett... / One ring to rule them all..
Minta / Pattern: deEva
.. de ez nem az a kegyetlen, sötétbe zárós fajta... Ez a gyűrű csodásan fénylik, csillog-villog gyönyörű fuchsia és kék színei pedig a kedvenceim.
Nézzétek el nekem a bejegyzés címét, tegnap Gyűrűk Urát néztem, illetve csak hallgattam, mert közben horgoltam kicsit...
...but it's not that cruel one.... This ring is sparkling and it's amazing fuchsia and blue colors are my favourites.
Forgive me because of the title of this post, yesterday evening I was watching The Lord of the Rings. Or rather I was just listening to it, because I was crocheting in the meantime.
2012. március 12., hétfő
Karkötők / Bangles
Ezek a kedvenc karkötőim jelenleg. Szeretem a csat nélküli változatokat. Mindkettőt Vicánál tanultam.
A második, Gyermelyen készült, amiért külön köszönet, hogy megtanulhattam!!!
These are my favourite bangles. I don't really like clasps. I have learnt these from deEva .
5th Bead Soup Blog Party Reveal with a not expected delay
First of all, I'm sorry for this late post, but couldn't do it before because my health problems. I hope you will check it, and forgive me becausse of my delay.
My partner was Ms. B she sent me this awesome soup.
Here are the goods:
This was what I've done first. It was a bit hard job, because I don't use brown many times except if I'm doing something for my Mum. I've used herringbone stich and made many tiny beaded beads as you can see.
The next project was my favourite. I wanted to smuggle some colour in this project and somehow I could choose just pink. From the first time I was thinking about crocheting and found in my boxes these fancy black seed beads. My bead cap was a bit bigger, so I had to make my rope to be bigger and why not with some colour..?
I've used tiny beaded beads again, and put a nice toggle clasp at the end, because I want to change sometimes my focus.
Here are my pendants
My partner was Ms. B she sent me this awesome soup.
Here are the goods:
- Black Spotted Quartz
- Gray of Black Marble
- Blackstone
- Garnet
- Brecciated Jasper
- Silver Plated Toggle Clasp
- Silver Plated Spacers
This was what I've done first. It was a bit hard job, because I don't use brown many times except if I'm doing something for my Mum. I've used herringbone stich and made many tiny beaded beads as you can see.
The next project was my favourite. I wanted to smuggle some colour in this project and somehow I could choose just pink. From the first time I was thinking about crocheting and found in my boxes these fancy black seed beads. My bead cap was a bit bigger, so I had to make my rope to be bigger and why not with some colour..?
This job is just not that pretty.
I've used tiny beaded beads again, and put a nice toggle clasp at the end, because I want to change sometimes my focus.
Here are my pendants
Pattern: Perle4u
This is my favourite.
Pattern: Perle4u
I have some beads what I didn't use, but have many ideas lately next week to try them.
Now I hope you will accept my apologizing. I think it will took this week and I can check everyone's blog.
And the most important thing is I have to say thank you to Lori for this game. I hope I can participate next time, because it was a great challenge to me.
And the most important thing is I have to say thank you to Lori for this game. I hope I can participate next time, because it was a great challenge to me.
2012. március 1., csütörtök
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